Lower Borrowing Costs, Higher Returns: Why the Fed's Rate Cut Makes Small Caps the Smart Play for Growth-Focused Investors

Sep. 19, 2024 | RedChip Companies

The Fed’s 50 bps rate cut is poised to drive a significant revaluation of small and micro-cap stocks, creating a highly favorable backdrop for growth and market expansion. Historically, rate cuts have been a catalyst for outperformance in small caps, and this move by the Fed signals an ideal time for these companies to unlock their potential.

For small and micro-cap companies, capital access is critical, and the rate cut reduces borrowing costs at a time when many firms are looking to expand aggressively. Historically, periods of accommodative monetary policy have been linked to an uptick in capital expenditures, strategic acquisitions, and increased R&D investment. These companies are now well-positioned to take advantage of the lower cost of capital to accelerate their growth plans and improve operational efficiencies.

In times of rate cuts, investor sentiment typically shifts towards equities, particularly those with higher growth potential. Small caps have historically outperformed large-cap peers in low-rate environments due to their greater sensitivity to economic conditions and growth prospects. We expect this trend to repeat, with small and micro-caps attracting heightened interest from institutional investors, particularly those seeking to maximize returns in a yield-suppressed environment.

The relationship between interest rates and equity valuations is well-established, with lower rates driving higher valuations by reducing the discount rate applied to future earnings. Historically, we’ve seen small caps experience significant multiple expansion in response to rate cuts. Given the strong growth outlook for many small and micro-cap companies, this rate cut could lead to even more favorable valuations, making these stocks highly attractive for investors with a longer-term horizon.

Lower borrowing costs also stimulate broader economic activity, and small and micro-cap companies are often at the forefront of innovation and market disruption during such periods. Whether in tech, healthcare, or consumer-facing sectors, these firms can capitalize on increased business investment and consumer demand. Historically, we’ve seen similar environments after previous rate cuts lead to stronger revenue growth and market share gains for agile, growth-oriented companies.

Looking back at periods following major rate cuts—such as those during the early 2000s and post-2008 financial crisis—we see a consistent pattern: small caps tend to outperform broader markets as cheaper capital fuels expansion and investors shift into higher-risk, higher-reward equities. This historical context provides strong support for a bullish outlook on small and micro-cap stocks in the current environment.

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  • Bob McCooey, Senior Vice President, NASDAQ Stock Market