Mixed Martial Arts Group Limited
-0.0760 (-6.20%)
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RedChip Visibility is a division of RedChip Companies, Inc. and offers research services to paying clients. In the purview of Section 17(b) of the Securities Act of 1933 and in the interest of full disclosure, we call the reader's attention to the fact that RedChip Companies Inc. is an investor relations firm hired by certain companies to increase investor awareness to the small-cap equity community.
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Mixed Martial Arts Group Limited (MMA) is a client of RedChip Companies, Inc. MMA agreed to pay RedChip Companies, Inc. a $5,000 monthly cash fee, beginning in April 2024, and 15,000 shares of Rule 144 stock, for 12 months of investor awareness services. RedChip intends to and will, if possible, sell all of its shares immediately upon removal of the restriction, and you may be buying as RedChip is selling. MMA also agreed to pay RedChip a $50,000 fee for a national TV ad campaign aired weekdays from May 13 to May 19, 2024, and a $50,000 fee for a 10-day national TV ad campaign beginning October 22, 2024.
Investor awareness services and programs are designed to help small-cap companies communicate their investment characteristics. RedChip investor awareness services include the preparation of a research profile(s), multimedia marketing, and other awareness services.